How Can I Use the Ideas of Elemental Music to do Pop?

I’m feeling drawn more and more to using pop music with my students. I was wondering about your thoughts on how you can include some of these same principles that help students really learn well through this elemental idea with also using current pop songs.

Pop Music in the Elemental Style


  • Elemental style - what’s here that I can use? What’s here that students can experience?

  • Pedagogy - How will it live in the classroom and how will I craft intentional experiences for students?

Basic Musical Structures

Elemental music uses the most basic musical elements. This doesn’t mean that the music isn’t artistic. It just means that it uses foundational musical elements.

Elemental Forms and Patterns

Elemental forms are how we piece music together. A few of the most common elemental forms are aba, aabb, abba, and aaab.

  • Natural Fit: A hook is designed to be memorable, which happens when we have a combination of familiar and novel subphrases.

    • Clean Bandit - Higher aaba

    • Frosty Weather - aaba

  • Challenge: Length

  • Choice: What part of the song will we use? Bridge? Chorus? Verse?

Elemental Instruments and Mixed Media

Music starts with humans. For most people, the most naturally-occurring instrument is the human body. Elemental music is centered around the body as a way to express music through movement, speech, body percussion, and singing.

Where instruments are used, they are going to be the most accessible and the most natural extension of the human body. Often this means things like barred instruments and unpitched percussion. The barrier to entry is extremely low.

  • Natural Fit: Vocal music and drums

  • Challenge: Guitar, piano, drum set, computers, are limited in terms of being a naturally - occurring extension of the human body.

  • Choice: How can we translate the song into the classroom? We’ll probably sing the melody. We could also sing or play the bass line on barred instruments. We could play an instrument part on barred instruments. We could add our own instrumental parts. We can use technology that is developmentally appropriate.

    • Dan Bremnes - Up Again - play trumpet part on barred instruments (LH lead)

    • Rocky Mountain - Play in a round


A hallmark of elemental music is that anyone can - and should - actively participate in it, regardless of their level of formal musical training. Elemental music uses basic musical structures so it can be as accessible as possible to any child, or any adult.

  • Natural Fit: People love pop music. You don’t need to have university training to engage with pop music.

  • Challenge: Written by adults for adults - content aside, the vocal range and dynamic level isn’t always a healthy model for children. That’s okay because it wasn’t intended as a model for music pedagogy.

  • Choice: Select music appropriately


Expanding out of “elemental” music and add a layer of pedagogy: I’m picking the pedagogy part up from Emily’s question and I want to add another lens - Emily and I are colleagues and internet friends so I’m comfortable doing this :) In real life application, let’s talk about moving from the known to the unknown in a way that lets students build their own musical experiences.

Part of The Planning Binder

  1. What are we going to teach?

  2. What will we use to teach it?

  3. What will students experience so they can construct their own musical knowledge through intentional musical interactions?

What Are We Going to Teach?

  • Melodic patterns with a toneset using the extended pentatone : low sol (This could be anything)

What will we use to teach it?

  • Alabama Gal

  • Zayn - Tightrope

  • *This is not the correct way to use this song. This is one application but there are many possibilities

What will students experience?

Experience low sol in a musical context

  • Alabama Gal - play the game and sing the song

  • Tightrope - Sing the song and step / snap

Notice low sol (move from the known to the unknown)

  • Alabama Gal - which phrase has the lowest pitch? Is that pitch higher or lower than the lowest pitch we know? Figure the target phrase out on barred instruments with a partner

  • Tightrope - which phrase has the lowest pitch? Is that pitch higher or lower than the lowest pitch we know? Figure the target phrase out on barred instruments with a partner

Do something with that information: Improvise and arrange with low sol

  • Alabama Gal - sing the first two sub-phrases, improvise a new melody to the next two sub-phrases

  • Tightrope - sing the melody, fill in the missing space

  • Whole-class, then with partners at barred instruments

  • Just for fun: Arranging with Alabama Gal and Tightrope - what was the compositional technique the artist chose? What do you notice about the way these phrases are spaced that makes it easier for us to improvise? There’s empty space between the phrases. What if we tried that with Alabama Gal? Play

Music and Meaning: Social Emotional Learning Competencies and Artistic Processes

  • Create and Relationship Skills:

    • Utilize positive communication and social skills to interact effectively with others

    • Create and conceptualize artistic ideas and work

    • Artists conceptualize and generate ideas and works in relationship with others