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Season 1 | Episode 14
Show Notes
Do you have ideas for movement activities tied to creativity or as a scaffold to notation?
A Movement Framework
What is the purpose of the activity?
What is the essence of the musical concept?
Rhythmic understandings are duration understandings. How can we use our bodies to show duration?
Who Has Seen the Wind
Metric understandings are about duration and weight. How can we use our bodies to show duration and weight?
As I Was Walking Down the Street - combining skipping and stepping
Melody is about relationships of pitch - high and low. How can we use our bodies to show high and low?
Harold and the Purple Crayon: vocal exploration and movement exploration in the first page, connected with barred instrument exploration and movement
(Movement influences the melody or the melody influences the movement?)
Lines That Wiggle: Make a line that you see in the book, transition to singing the line
Form is about same and different. How can we use our bodies to show same and different through echoing and contrast?
Create eight beats of ______ expressive word. Then create eight beats of a contrasting word ______.
Could be done as a solo, could be done in partners
Could be done to the teacher improvising or it could be done to an existing song
Structured movement: form in folk songs
Dynamics are about large and small sounds. How can we use our bodies to show large and small?
Movement round