Using Movement to Teach Musical Concepts

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Season 1 | Episode 14

Show Notes

Do you have ideas for movement activities tied to creativity or as a scaffold to notation?

Using Movement to Teach Musical Concepts

A Movement Framework

  • What is the purpose of the activity?

  • What is the essence of the musical concept?


  • Rhythmic understandings are duration understandings. How can we use our bodies to show duration?

    • Who Has Seen the Wind

  • Metric understandings are about duration and weight. How can we use our bodies to show duration and weight?

    • As I Was Walking Down the Street - combining skipping and stepping


  • Melody is about relationships of pitch - high and low. How can we use our bodies to show high and low?

  • Harold and the Purple Crayon: vocal exploration and movement exploration in the first page, connected with barred instrument exploration and movement

    • (Movement influences the melody or the melody influences the movement?)

  • Lines That Wiggle: Make a line that you see in the book, transition to singing the line


  • Form is about same and different. How can we use our bodies to show same and different through echoing and contrast?

  • Create eight beats of ______ expressive word. Then create eight beats of a contrasting word ______.

    • Could be done as a solo, could be done in partners

    • Could be done to the teacher improvising or it could be done to an existing song

  • Structured movement: form in folk songs


  • Dynamics are about large and small sounds. How can we use our bodies to show large and small?


  • Movement round