Students stand in groups of four. Players 1 and 2 take hands. Players 3 and 4 take hands above the hands of players 1 and 2. At “number one pops under,” players 3 and 4 lift their hands to let player 1 into the center of the circle. Continue with each new number, forming a daisy chain. At “frog in the bucket” all students hop together in a circle.
Caracol Col Col
Draw a Bucket of Water
Skipping Rope Song
Goodbye Girls, I'm Going to Boston
Hogs in the Cornfield
Ida Red
Happy Miller
Students stand in two concentric circles. One student (the Miller) stands in the middle. As they sing the song, students link arms and step around the circle. At the last word, grab, the outer circle stops moving while the inner circle takes a step forward to link arms with a new partner. As the inner circle moves forward, the miller runs to link arms with a student in the outer circle. The student left without a partner is the new miller.