Song Analysis:
Form: ABBB
Classroom Use:
Rhythm: Steady beat; rhythm; ta ta ta-di ta; ta-di ta-di ta-di ta; 2/4
Comparatives: loud/quiet; fast/slow; high/low
Game Type: Counting out
Subject: nature
Grade: Preschool, Kindergarten, 1st
Classroom Ideas:
Loud / Quiet:
Play game using a loud or quiet voice. When a student is "out" he or she goes to a hand drum and plays along either loudly or quietly.
Teacher plays hand drum either loudly or quietly. Students aurally identify and play the game as the teacher directed with the drum.
High / Low:
Pretend the bee is buzzing through the air (speak high). Pretend the bee has landed on a flower (speak low).
Lean a barred instrument upon a chair so the high end is facing up. One student may play the rhyme with high or low pitches while the rest of the class speaks.
Fast / Slow:
Point to bee icons that are close together (fast) or far apart (slow).