Tuesday Espresso: Multiple Means of Engagement, Partwork, Frog in the Meadow

30 - Espresso Shot - Multiple Means of Engagement, Partwork, and Frog in the Meadow_1.jpg

This is a quick “espresso shot” episode. My hope is that it’s an actionable teaching idea that applies some larger principles, and gives you some inspiration on your drive to work. For my part, it keeps me thinking through many ideas and connections so I stay energized as well.

Frog in the Meadow


  • Players form a circle with one student chosen to be a "frog" crouched in the center.

  • Players sing and circle around the "frog" while pointing with index fingers.

  • Players in the circle close their eyes and inner hear the song one time through

  • While circle has their eyes closed, the "frog" runs away and hides

  • After students are done inner hearing the song, they search for the "frog." The finder becomes the next "frog" and the game begins again.

Multiple Means of Engagement & Partwork:

  • Sing the song and play the game

    • Recruiting interest / Optimize relevance, value, and authenticity

  • In small groups, students create jumping motions that match the lower vocal part

    • Sustaining Effort & Persistence / Foster collaboration and community

  • Students check to see if their motions match the length of the lower vocal part

    • Self Regulation / Develop self-assessment and reflection

  • Students sing the bass part on their own, without teacher assistance.

  • Students choose if their group will sing the bass part, or the main melody

    • Recruiting Interest / Optimize individual choice and autonomy