Asking for Help, Talking to Parents, and Having Difficult Conversations - Jessica Grant


I’m excited to share this conversation with Jessica Grant! Jessica brings wisdom and encouragement to educators as they face everyday challenges of teaching music.

So often, the challenges of music pedagogy are not the things that weigh on teachers at the end of the day. Communication with colleagues, feeling overwhelmed by the workload, managing difficult student behaviors, and initiating conversations with parents or guardians can feel more overwhelming.

Jessica’s perspective is grounded both in the reality of teaching, and in optimistic encouragement for music teachers.

In This Conversation:

  • 03:03 - It’s Jessica Grant!

  • 03:12 - Jessica’s teaching situation

  • 04:54 - Teaching upper elementary and middle school general music

  • 05:52 - Music is for everyone

  • 08:33 - Self-care and teachers as people

  • 16:58 - Asking for help

  • 20:39 - Organizing volunteers

  • 30:49 - Asking for help with a team mindset

  • 36:59 - Initiating difficult conversations with parents

  • 42:27 - Building bridges

  • 47:24 - The first parent phone call

  • 54:45 - The mindset before the call

  • 01:00:06 - Information without interpretation

  • 01:00:50 - Practice with the positive

  • 01:03:08 - Start small. Start with understanding

  • 01:04:30 - Quick Questions: Why should we write?

  • 01:05:45 - Quick Questions: What was a recent win in your classroom?

  • 01:07:00 - Quick Questions: What is the next teaching project you’re excited about?

  • 01:08:58 - Where to learn more

  • 01:13:19 - Where to find Jessica

About Jessica Grant


I’m Jessica Grant – a middle school general music educator who enjoys sharing music education ideas for you to use in your classroom. I believe that supporting teachers helps make life better, builds connection and allows us to remain in the education field longer because we’re doing it together. I also believe that teachers have identities outside of the classroom that need to be fostered and encouraged. We get so wrapped up in who we are as teachers that it’s easy to put our own needs as humans (roles of mom, wife, friend, etc…) to the side. So I’m here to help with that too.

Interested in working with me?  Check out The Confident Music Educator Course at Danielle Larrick and I joined together to create this course for middle school general music and upper elementary teachers of grades 5-8.

I'd love to connect with you.  Follow me on Instagram @highafternoonti.  Head to my website at where you can get my free newsletter, read the blog, and access teaching and goal setting ideas.  Listen to the Afternoon Ti Podcast where you'll hear guests and I share music education topics to help you in your classroom.