Choosing Repertoire for the 2021 - 2022 School Year

After looking at content and credibility, do you have suggestions for picking songs?

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Blog Post:

Content and Credibility:

  • Is the song uplifting to every student in the class?

  • Do we know that it reflects our values as music educators?

Sourcing Songs:

  • Students suggest them

  • They’re in an existing curriculum resource

  • They’re suggested by a friend

  • They’re “someday songs”

Choose Material that is High Quality

  • Lyrically, melodically, rhythmically, and / or harmonically

  • Use musical opinions

Choose Material You Like

  • We’ll spend a lot of time with this material!

Choose Material that Meets Your Curriculum Goals

  • Literacy and notational literacy

  • Range and tessitura

Get Creative!

  • Can it tie into any programs you have coming up? (Read about informances here)

  • Is there room in this song for students to apply their own musical creativity? (Read tips about songs for improvisation here)

  • How would it transfer to instruments?

  • Is there text painting that could be emphasized?

  • Is there a story or strong emotion you could act out?

  • Is there creative material students could use to create an ostinato?