Season 1 | Episode 18
Show Notes
After looking at content and credibility, do you have suggestions for picking songs?
Content and Credibility:
Is the song uplifting to every student in the class?
Do we know that it reflects our values as music educators?
Sourcing Songs:
Students suggest them
They’re in an existing curriculum resource
They’re suggested by a friend
They’re “someday songs”
Choose Material that is High Quality
Lyrically, melodically, rhythmically, and / or harmonically
Use musical opinions
Choose Material You Like
We’ll spend a lot of time with this material!
Choose Material that Meets Your Curriculum Goals
Literacy and notational literacy
Range and tessitura
Get Creative!
How could you teach the song? (Read about how to introduce a song here)
Can it tie into any programs you have coming up? (Read about informances here)
Is there room in this song for students to apply their own musical creativity? (Read tips about songs for improvisation here)
How would it transfer to instruments?
Is there text painting that could be emphasized?
Is there a story or strong emotion you could act out?
Is there creative material students could use to create an ostinato?