Rhythm vs Beat Workbook

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Rhythm vs Beat Cover Art_Rhythm vs Beat.png

Rhythm vs Beat Workbook


These worksheets help students practice rhythm vs beat in fun and exciting ways. 

Pages 1-2: Tracing

“Rhythm” and “beat” can both be tricky to spell! Allow students time to trace and sound out these words.

Pages 3 - 11: Track rhythm, track beat

Use these pages to help students track what they hear. It’s easy to get confused in the middle of a song, so having this separate practice is really important. If you haven’t already, start off by having students perform a steady beat or the rhythm while you point to icons on the board. Then have one student come up. Then have students practice in small groups. THEN have them practice individually.

Pages 12 - 15: Tracking Rhythm and Beat

Students are ready to track rhythm and beat together after they’ve practiced them separately for a while. Use these pages and observe students tracking independently. Do they stay with one element the whole time, or do they get mixed up and switch back and forth be- tween rhythm and beat?

Pages 16 - 17: Show What You Know

One of my favorite activities is on pages 16 - 17. Students fold their workbook in half to create a sort of tent shape, with “rhythm” on one side and “beat” on the other. The teacher, or a student, will perform the rhythm or beat and students show what they heard. You can use this as an assessment or as practice. It can become increasingly diffi- cult if you perform the rhythm or beat to an unknown song!

Pages 18- 19: Circle What You Hear

When it’s time for assessment, use pages 18 and 19. Page 18 isn’t con- nected to any particular songs, so you may use it however you want! Page 19 corresponds with the other materials in this workbook. For this activity I like to tell students their answers are “top secret!” and to make sure to cover their answers so no one sees.



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