Creative Listening in Elementary General Music

There are so many pathways to musicianship. In our music classes we sing, play, move, read, write, improvise, arrange, compose, and listen. Of all these skills, there’s one primary way students engage with music outside of the music room, and one skill all the others are predicated on. That is listening.

Most of our students won’t leave our classrooms to become producers of music at a professional level. However, all of our students will consume music through listening. Listening is also how we begin other pathways of musicianship like singing or improvising or playing.

Today we’ll look at how we can use listening as a creative activity.

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How is Listening Creative?

Listening as Co-Creation

When we listen to music, we pay attention to specific elements and make split-second decisions about how to make sense of the sounds by cataloguing what we hear. How we choose to label, group, categorize, connect, and order sounds becomes our construction of the piece in our minds. Those choices in our mental construction of a piece are creative. As we listen to music then, we are essentially co-creating the work along with the performers.

Person to Person

Music listening is a personal creative activity, and how we listen is different from one person to another. One listener might hear a piece of music and notice the form. Another might listen and imagine a scene inspired by the music. Someone else might catalogue the timbre of a specific instrument or the way melody is used. These decisions are based on our own backgrounds as musicians, including our aesthetic preferences, imagination, and musical training.

Creative Listening as a Creative Action

Listening is a creative act in and of itself, but it is also the beginning of creative outputs such as improvisation or composition. After creatively constructing music through listening, when we draw on our musical vocabulary to improvise or compose, we’re going to draw on what we have catalogued in our listening. The creative listening is already the beginning of the creative thinking that takes place later in output.

Two Types of Listening: Convergent and Divergent

When we construct music listening activities, we call on a specific way to listen: either convergent or divergent. Both modes of listening are absolutely valuable and necessary in our teaching, but they serve different roles. One focuses on “right and wrong” experiences while the other focuses on creative experiences.


Convergent Music Listening

We might decide ahead of time what we want students to listen for. For example, we may ask them to copy our movements to show the form of a piece. We might ask them to pat the steady beat, raise their hand when they hear a new voice enter, or identify the sound of instruments. All of these have a specific correct answer.

These activities encourage closed-answer - convergent - listening. The goal of the experience is for all students to arrive at the same concussion as the teacher.


Divergent Music Listening

Creative listening is open-answer, or divergent. In this type of listening, there are many possible correct answers because there are many possible ways of interpreting sounds. The goal of a divergent listening experience is for students to come up with their own answers, instead of arriving only at the teacher’s conclusion.

Creative Listening Prompts

Here are some creative listening prompts you can drag and drop in your classroom right away.

  1. What does this music make you think of?

    This one is simple! Students listen to the music and discuss what they think about when they hear it.

  2. Draw what the music might be about.

    After students have listened to a portion of the piece, they might draw what they think it could be about. Listening to the music first and inviting students to draw second can help their artistic representations of the piece can be more purposeful. This is especially helpful if the piece is contrasting in emotion or musical elements.

  3. If this music accompanied a story, what would the story be?

    Students might draw their ideas as a graphic novel, write the story in narrative form, turn it into a dance, or act it out with a friend.

  4. How should we move to this piece? *Think about it first, then move*

    Students can imagine moving in their heads, then show their movement in place (nonlocomotor), then travel with their movement (locomotor) if they want.

  5. What do you notice? OR What do you notice about ____________?

    Simply asking students to share what they notice about a music can result in some thoughtful, interesting conversations! Students might simply write down as many characteristics of the music they can think of, or you might provide musical categories (pitch, rhythm, harmony, etc.) for them to consider. John Kratus has done some incredible work around this topic if you’d like to learn more.

  6. What do you notice about this music that no one else might notice?

    With this prompt, we’re specifically looking for how divergent students’ divergent answers might be! This is an indication of creative listening that differs from the other prompts because students are intentionally trying to come up with answers no one else might think of. Again, John Kratus’ work has more details.

  7. What do you think the composer / performer / creator wanted you to feel when you listen?

    This prompt might tie into some social and emotional competencies as well. With older students, framing the question around what the composer might want us to feel gives some degree of separation between the student and the emotion, which can make the experience less vulnerable. With younger students, you might use a class stuffed animal and ask what the animal feels when it listens. The difference between taking on a personal emotional experience (“this music makes me feel ___”) and using empathy to imagine an emotional experience someone might have (“they might be feeling ___”) changes the nature of the question.

  8. Create Your Own:

    After students have had a few listening experiences with a music, they might create their own piece that has the same emotional effect. This is the job film score composers take on. The director often gives composers a “temp track” and the composer is tasked with creating their own original work that gives the listener the same emotional experience. After completing the previous activity where students thought about the emotional impact of the music, they might get in small groups to create their own piece. This could be done just as a vocal soundscape, or it might include pitched or unpitched instruments. Students can check their work by listening to the piece again to make sure their own creation is on the right track.

  9. What if we could join the music with our own improvisation?

    Another way to move creative listening towards creating a creative output is to improvise. Students can quietly clap along with the recording. As long as they can still hear the recorded music above their own improvisation, their volume level is appropriate.

Setting Up for Successful Creative Listening

Choosing Music for Creative Listening:

The resources available for creative listening experiences are endless! Smithsonian Folkways and Classics for Kids are good starting points.

Length of Listening:

Perhaps the most significant change we should consider with listening experiences has to do with the length of listening. Depending on the purpose of the activity, it’s not necessary to listen to the whole piece of music in one sitting. In fact, the vast majority of the time, shorter experiences are preferable to longer experiences.

Students might listen to 20 seconds to a minute of a piece, depending on their age. When a listening experience has gone on too long, it will be easy to tell! When students start squirming or whispering to each other, that’s our cue that it’s time to move on.

When to Listen:

Some educators recommend incorporating listening experiences at the beginning of the lesson when student are the most attentive. Others like to use listening activities as a calming way to close the lesson. You can choose what works best for your classroom!

Order of Divergent / Convergent Listening:

Generally, it’s a good idea to start listening experiences with creative listening (divergent) rather than teacher-directed listening (convergent). We’ll start with affirming their experiences and perceptions. After these creative experiences, students can tune their ears to what we want them to notice.

This is a framework for listening that uses student imagination instead of putting the teacher at the center of learning exclusively. 

Creative listening is not necessarily superior to convergent listening. It’s good for us to teach students both. After all, as students expand their vocabulary with convergent listening, they’ll have more categories to draw from in their creative listening.

These are some ideas you can use in the classroom right away to encourage creative listening skills in your students, and to develop well-rounded holistic musicians.



Diaz, F. M. (2014). Listening and musical engagement. Update: Applications of Research in Music Education, 33(2), 27–33.

Grewe, O., Nagel, F., Kopiez, R., & Altenmüller, E. (2007). Listening to music as a re-creative process: Physiological, psychological, and psychoacoustical correlates of chills and strong emotions. Music Perception, 24(3), 297-314.

Kratus, J. (2017). Music listening is creative. Music Educators Journal, 103(3), 46-51.

Peterson, E. M. (2006). Creativity in music listening. Arts Education Policy Review, 107(3), 15-21.

Sims, W. L. (1990). Sound approaches to elementary music listening. Music Educators Journal, 77(4), 38–42.

Smith, J. B. L., Schankler, I., & Chew, E. (2014). Listening as a creative act: Meaningful differences in structural annotations of improvised performances. Music Theory Online, 20(3)

How to Edit Videos for Elementary General Music

In this post, we looked at how to navigate the set up for making videos for elementary general music.

Once we’ve created a video, what’s next? Do we really need to edit? What program should we use? How long will it take? What are the basics to getting a project like this off the ground? Let’s jump in!



There are a few things to wrap our heads around before we jump into video editing.

The first idea is that there will be some obstacles in this process. The second idea is an acknowledgement that video editing isn’t necessary to be a good teacher.


Sometimes our perceptions of video editing and the realities of video editing aren’t aligned. When this happens, it’s easy to get frustrated by things that slow down the production process.

Some of the most common frustrations when it comes to executing a video idea are:

  • Lack of storage space on your computer

  • Program or computer crashes

  • Freezing programs

  • The extra time it takes to walk through the process

A combination of these problems is likely to arise when we sit down to edit a video. If those problems aren’t something you have the capacity to handle, we can consider not editing the video at all!

You Don’t Need to Edit Your Videos

If you film a video on your phone camera and upload it to your students as-is, you have done enough!

An edited video is not what makes you a good teacher. Being a good teacher is a bout knowing your students, planning curriculum that meets their needs, and implementing the curriculum in a way that is joyful and musical.

You are more important than your tech skills.

That said, editing video can be a lot of fun. It can be a great opportunity for us to practice a new skill that opens up creative possibilities. If that sounds like fun to you too, let’s walk through the process together.

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Addressing Common Frustrations

There are a few things we can do to set ourselves up for success before we start a project, and address some of the frustrations listed above.

  1. Lack of storage space on your computer

    This one is pretty straightforward. Go through your computer and delete any big files or applications that you don’t need. (For example, an outdated video project!) Once they’re deleted, empty your trash and restart your computer.

  2. Crashing or freezing

    Make sure you’ve exited out of all your extra applications or programs when its time to edit your video. You can also turn off your wifi so your computer has less information going on in the background. That will let it focus more of its attention on your editing software. Last, be sure to save your work often!

  3. The extra time it takes to walk through the process

    This problem is hard to avoid. No matter what form the actual lesson takes, you have your regular lesson prep to do. When we consider how much time you spend planning, then think about the time it takes to actually deliver the lesson, and then tack on the time it takes to edit, we’re left with a sizable chunk of time. Editing will take at least the amount of time you spent filming the lesson, because that’s the amount of footage you have to sort through. Therefore, if you filmed a 30-minute lesson, before you even start editing know that at the very least, your editing will take an extra 30 minutes, especially if you want to add text or any other graphics. 

    My top tips for lowering the amount of time you spend editing are: 

    • Plan ahead. Having a clear picture of the end product before you turn on the camera will streamline the editing process significantly. Before you turn on the camera, it’s a good idea to know exactly what your goal is for each lesson segment, and exactly what you’ll invite students to do. Just like you wouldn’t walk into the classroom without a clear lesson plan, it makes sense to not turn the camera on before you’ve written out clear objectives and procedures. That helps the editing process go smoothly because the video itself is concise and focused.

    • Lower your expectations. This one is hard to hear. As my friend Beth Philemon explains, “You did not learn how to be a choir director in one day. You will not learn how to be a virtual choir director in one day.” This is a process that will take practice, just like any other skill.

Phone to the Computer

in the last post we talked about how to set things up to film videos for elementary general music.

Now that we have a video, the next step is to get it off your phone and onto a computer.

There are many ways to do this, but I recommend Google Drive.

  1. When your video is done, look for the share arrow, and then select Google Drive from the options at the bottom of the screen.

  2. If you use more than one Google account, you’ll have the option to select the one you want to use.

  3. From there you can organize this file and store it within a specific folder. If not, it will just go into your main Drive. I like to make folders for each new video project so I can find what I’m looking for quickly.

  4. Next, click the blue upload button at the top right hand side and wait for the video to upload to Google Drive. This part can take a while, so having your phone plugged in will help ensure that your battery doesn’t stop the upload process.

From Google Drive to the Computer

Now the video is uploaded to Google Drive. The next step is to get it off Google Drive and onto your computer.

This part is simple. Click on the video, and look for the download icon in the top right hand side.

This will download the video onto your computer, so we’re ready to edit.


choosing an editing software

Now we have the video on our computer. The next step is to choose what software we’ll use to edit.

There are lots of great options out there for video editing!

For the purposes of this post, I’m looking for something that is free, and that works on both Mac and PC.

Video Software for Elementary General Music

Out of iMovie, Premiere, Final Cut, and DaVinci Resolve, the only editing software that meets both those criteria is Davinci Resolve.

That’s what we’ll use today, but if you already have a software you use and love, stick with it! There’s no need to change something that’s working smoothly in your workflow.

To download DaVinci Resolve, go to their website and scroll all the way down to the bottom. Click the free download option.

DaVinci Resolve Download


With DaVinci Resolve launched, click on New Project to start your first new video.

How to edit videos for elementary music

My goal for this clip is to edit a short segment of the song, Apple Tree, so I’ve named this project, “I Love Apple Tree.”

Feeling Professional: The main Editing Page

This is the main page that opens in DaVinci Resolve.

You’ll feel like pro looking at all the options we could play with, but today, our process will be extremely simple.

How to edit videos for Elementary General Music

Today we want to

  1. Edit a few clips

  2. Export the video.

Those will happen in the edit tab and the deliver tab at the bottom of the screen.


Drag and Drop the Video

From your computer, drag and drop your video onto the timeline in the editing page.

How to edit videos for Elementary General Music
How to Edit Videos for Elementary General Music

Resolve will automatically adjust the details of the project to match the video you filmed. Just click that you want the frame rates to be the same and you’re good to go!

Keyboard Shortcuts

Editing Videos for Elementary General Music

When we’re ready to make changes to the video, there are a few things we’ll need to know.

These are all the keyboard shortcuts we’ll use for this project, categorized by PC and MAC.

Adjusting Volume

The volume from my cell phone is pretty low. I can change the volume by clicking the horizontal line that runs over the audio and dragging it up. I could also drag it down if I wanted the whole project to be quieter.

Editing Videos for Elementary General Music

Breaking the Clips

With my audio volume up, it’s easier to tell where the song begins in the video.

This is because our singing voices are naturally louder than our regular speaking voice, so I can use the audio levels as a clue.

Editing Videos for Elementary General Music

Editing in Two Steps

From here, the process is easy!

Simply control B to splice the clips where you want them to break.

Editing Videos for Elementary General Music

Delete or shift delete to get rid of any clips you don’t want.

Editing Videos for Elementary General Music


The clips are broken up, and we’ve gotten rid of any extra material we don’t want in the final project.

Editing Videos for Elementary General Music

Now it’s time to export!

In the “Deliver” tab, we can select our project settings.

This project will end up on YouTube, so that’s what we’ll select.

From there we can give the project a name and choose where it will save on the computer.

With those settings adjusted, we’ll click “add to render cue.”

Editing Videos for Elementary General Music
Editing Videos for Elementary General Music

When the project is in our render cue (on the right side of the screen), we can start the export by clicking “start render.”

Wrapping Up, Looking Ahead

This is everything you need to know to get started with editing video for elementary general music.

In the next video, we’ll look at how to add graphics to a project.

If you have any questions about this process, I’m not a tech person - I’m a music teacher. That said, I’m here to help in any way I can, so reach out with a comment below, find me on Instagram, or shoot me an email.